
Movie-mate_for sure


20081019 Vicky Cristina Barcelona
20081230 死亡預告
20090312 Revolutionary Road
20090913 The Proposal
20100102 New York I Love You
20100801 Inception
20101230 挪威的森林
20110623 London Boulevard
20120303 The Artist
20120303 失戀33
20120720 The Amazing Spider-Man
20120825 To Rome with Love…

I’m not that sure if I have missed any!
But I’m sure I have always been missing those moments in front of screens.
And for sure missing those great time with you!

I really hope that there’re still great movies awaiting us.
May be until one day you could find a better movie-mate than me.
Yet I believe I have been already a very good one except being always a bit late =]

Some of those tickets are from EXs.
Long time ago.
I’m sure I don’t love him anymore.
Yet never have I been so sure that I LOVE MOVIES BEST!!!
That’s why I kept, I keep, I am keeping and will keep
This collection of my old movie tickets!

No matter how blurry they are.
The printed words have been fading out.
Yet my memory lasts.

